After 35 Years, DIFFA Continues To Evolve
You know DIFFA…the amazing organization that has been around for a generation and continues to work tirelessly to support those impacted by HIV/AIDS. DIFFA hosts some of your favorite annual events, like the party-of-the-year DINING BY DESIGN, and supports many worthy organizations through their amazing Grants Program. Last summer DIFFA’s Executive Director Dawn Roberson challenged a group of us to form a new auxiliary board for the foundation focused on the industry’s under-40 creative professionals.
Naturally we stepped forward and said, “How can we help?” After much brainstorming over wine (we are young professionals after all!), we came up with a set of guiding principles that we rolled into our new group’s name: DIFFA Plus. That “plus” is the key for us: we are enhancing, not changing, the inspiring work that DIFFA does by supporting those affected by an HIV in the United States and advocating for those at risk. You may not realize it, but despite numerous medical advances over the past 30+ years, AIDS is still an issue in the United States.
yond those immediate effects, DIFFA Plus is a community of future design leaders and design lovers looking to become agents of change. At our most recent meeting, we invited members to present a few words they felt best represented DIFFA Plus. Terms like “inclusive,” “passion,” “empowerment,” and “celebrate” were common themes, reflecting the outlook the group will take and the energy that will be the heart of our initiatives. We reflect this in our organizational description: “DIFFA Plus harnesses the power of many over one, building a special community of passionate individuals from the design industry and beyond and using member’s unique voices and talents to make a DIFFArence.”
It is an honor to take on this opportunity to expand the DIFFA family! Just like any young professional, we are still figuring out who we are and what we are doing…but with each conversation and event, we get stronger and more excited to further the DIFFA mission.
If you have an interest in joining DIFFA Plus or learning more, visit https://diffa.org/diffaplusyp/ or email DIFFAplus@diffa.org. Be sure to stay tuned to the DIFFA site for more info on our upcoming events and activations!